Welcome to Second Year Training! I will be your trainer for today.

Before we begin, would you like to use our online training? This requires you to be on a browser.

If they said yes:

Please open another tab and go to our website: momhabbo|com. Replace the | with a dot.

Hover over “Resources” > “Guides” > “Training Guides” > click “2nd Year Guide”

Read the slides carefully and let me know when you’re done.

To avoid idling, occasionally chat or wave on Habbo.

<once done, skip to the conclusion> 

If they said no:

We will begin with learning about Training.

Once you send a trainee to training at FTS with :training they go to the training teleporter.

Ask them to enter the teleporter and wait for you in the training halls.

Once you’re in the training halls, stand on the 3rd gate in from the left.

This will allow the black gate to open and the muggle may enter the tele.

If both the rooms are occupied, wait patiently for one to finish. 

The security simulation room on the upper right part of the room is only for 1st Year training.

Please avoid using this room when training other divisions aside from 1st Yr.

Do you have any questions so far? 

<Answer any questions, proceed if none>

Next we will proceed to the scripts! 

Open a new tab and go to our website: momhabbo|com

Hover over “Resources” > “Training”,  select which training type you will be conducting.

This will show you a script which you should copy and paste into Habbo’s chatbox. 

Don’t forget to always answer any questions your trainee may ask you.

Do you have any questions before we move on to the next part? 

<Answer any questions, proceed if none>

Great! Now we will move onto logging your training onto the portal.

After the training is finished, you can log any training through our portal. 

Once you are logged onto your account, click on “Training” in the side menu.

Next, log the details of the trainee including their Username,

Training type – “Muggle Training” and the result (Pass/Fail). 

Don’t forget to add comments if a trainee failed the test. 

Once all of the information is filled, click “Train”.

Any questions regarding logging a training session on portal?

<Answer any questions, proceed if none>

Great! Now we’ll proceed with setting you up with your own promotion tag.

A promotion tag allows us to know who has trained or promoted a member.

On portal, click on “Settings” under your avatar on the upper right hand corner. 

Enter your promoters tag in the “TAG” field. Then click “Save info” 

and it should update instantly.

Please let me know once you’re done.

Do you have any questions?

<Answer any questions, proceed if none>

That concludes our training! 

You are now allowed to train recruits! 

Please request the 2nd Year badge and change your motto to:

[MoM] 2nd Year Flying [Trainer’s promotag] [Trainee’s promotag] 

Your promo tag must be the same as the one you assigned on portal.

<Log training onto portal>

If you have any more questions, you may use the helpdesk in our main base. 

Let’s head back to base!