Regulation 1 - General Rules and Procedures

  1. Every member of the agency is expected to respect one another regardless of rank, age, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, color, or disability. All members must follow the Habbo way. These expectations also apply to behavior external to MoM, such as when visiting other agencies.
  2. Colored chat is not permitted in base unless you are ranked Honourable Wizard/Witch (5iC) and above, a VIP, or making an announcement permitted by Foundation.
  3. Visitors may not use colored chat unless VIP, as stated above.
  4. Exception: First Year Division and above may use colored chat that matches their house (Slytherin=Green, Ravenclaw=Blue, Hufflepuff=Yellow, Gryffindor=Red).
  5. ICs and VIPs may use any colored chat excluding all neon and the pirate theme.
  6. Wearing obscene or offensive outfits is prohibited within the Ministry’s rooms and whilst representing MoM externally.
  7. Asking for pay, or rights is prohibited.
  8. Members should refrain from requesting promotions unless their promotion is well-overdue and they have been actively working at a station to earn it. If a member feels that they are eligible for a promotion, they can raise this concern at the help desk only. Those assisting on the help desk may honor the promotion at their discretion.
  9. The use of effects is permitted throughout the base, with the only exception being effects that make a user invisible or nearly invisible.
  10. Dancing is only permitted in the lobby and events area. Dancing is permitted throughout the entirety of HQ when a DJ from the Potterwatch Team is active.
  11. MoM members should ensure that they are active and reactive when filling a station in base. If idling or inactivity becomes too frequent, this may result in disciplinary action.
  12. MoM members who hold room rights, at their discretion, can remove inactive members from the station if they fail to respond within 3 minutes when called to attention. These members will be sent to FTB using the furni bop, and may be reprimanded accordingly in conjunction with the pay guide.
  13. Profile and online time visibility must be turned on at all times.
  14. Uniforms must be worn at all times. Exceptions are made for those who have reached a certain rank. There will also be uniform free weekends, starting on Saturday’s 12am EST and ending on Monday’s 12am EST.
  15. Rank list can be found here: [MoM] Ministry of Magic Official Rank List.
  16. All official communications must happen under official servers with the presence of members of Foundation. Exceptions to this rule can be made when giving feedback, private conversations or interviews.
  17. Accessing or registering another users Portal account is prohibited without prior consent from a member of Foundation.
  18. Users with names containing slur words, or any other offensive, discriminatory or explicit term may not be recruited to the Ministry Instances include usernames such as Scarn*ggur, s**tlover, peelover1, and others of a similar nature and format.
  19. When recruiting, Members should check their account creation date and ensure that the muggle joining must possesses an account established no less than one day prior.
  1. The MoM uniform is to be worn by all employees until 3rd Year Student. 
  2. Muggles’ division must wear the Standard Rank uniform. 1st and 2nd Year Students must wear the Standard Rank uniform, but may alter the color to match their House (Yellow, Red, Blue, or Green).
  3. While members ranked 3rd Year Student and above are not required to wear a uniform, they must have an appropriate look. If a higher ranked member asks them to change, they are required to do so. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
  4. Uniforms are as seen below, and are to be found on mannequins in the base.
  1. Mottos must match the format: [MoM] Rank [last promoter tag] [your tag]. Members ranked Honourable (5iC) and above are not required to display their promoter’s promotion tag, only their own promotion tag.
  2. Members ranked Honourable (5iC) and above are allowed to make alterations to their motto as long as it does not become too crowded. If a higher ranked member asks them to change it, they should do so.
  3. If security asks for a member to change their motto, they are required to do so. If a higher ranked member asks for someone to change their motto, they are required to do so.
  1. Members ranked 7th Year Student are required to be in a department. Members have 14 days to join a department. Members will receive a reminder to join a department. Failure to join a department after the reminder will result in a demotion to 6th Year Student. If this demotion occurs, there is a possibility that the member can return to their previous position upon joining a department.
  2. If a member leaves a department and is ranked 7th Year Student or above, they will have 14 days to join a department. If they fail to do so, the process outlined in clause 1 will occur.
  3. Trial iC may not be promoted from their Trial iC status without being in a department. If they fail to join a department during their program, they will be subject to the same guidelines stated above.
  4. Members who are participating in S.P.E.W. (Sorting for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare) must be active in a department before they are able to be promoted into a non-trial iC position.
  5. Transfer and reinstated members will have up to 14 days to join a department, otherwise they will be subject to the guidelines above.
  6. An exception to the disciplinary procedures (outlined in clause 1) for failure to join a department within 14 days is if an application is pending assessment. In this case, if the member is accepted they will not receive a demotion. Other exceptions to this rule may be made with approval from Foundation.
  7. Any member may not be part of more than two department command teams.
  8. If a department lacks active department in-Commands (iCs), or IC’s are currently on leave of absence (LOA), their position shall be temporarily assumed by a Founder’s Representative until originally delegated iC member returns.
  9. In the event of designating a Founder’s Representative, he/she will be temporarily acting on behalf of the department’s original iC member till they return to their position.
  10. The designated founder’s representative have the rights as the department’s acting representative to oversee and provide guidance. However, major department changes shall be deferred till the department deputy returns to their duties.
  11. The designated founder’s representative shall be mindful of carrying out their role as a sign of respect to the department deputy.
  12. It is recommended that members do not join more than 3 departments. However, they may join as many departments as they wish as long as they can maintain their activity in every single department.
  13. Department Directors may refuse an application or dismiss someone from their department at their discretion. Most likely, however, that a member will be dismissed from a department for being inactive or because of their termination of employment in The Ministry.
  14. Department directors that do not follow Regulation 4 regarding maximum amounts of inactiveness may be removed from their rank and department at the Foundations discretion.
  1. A user may have up to 5 ALT accounts tied to MoM.
  2. A user may request the ALT Account badge by filling out the proper form ALT Account Form. All ALT’s must wear the ALT Badge at all times and present their main’s account username on their Motto.
  3. ALT’s may not fill stations or perform any official duties.
  4. The only exception for the rule above is if the user’s main account is hacked or banned. In this case, they should contact the OOTP for further assistance.
  5. In addition, accounts are able to bring in an alt if they wish to participate in a game while their main account fills a station, but they must be paying attention to their duties while playing said game.
  1. FTF is the priority station until it is 50% full. After reaching 50% or higher capacity, a member can sit at FTS instead.
  2. Members at FTF who recruit a Muggle (ie. deals with their badge, uniform, and motto) get first priority on training said Muggle. They are not required to and may give it to someone else who wishes to train, but it is solely their decision.
  3. If someone is waiting at a station, that spot becomes a priority.
  4. Higher ranked members should give up their seats to lower ranked members when stations are full.
  5. Intentionally stealing the seat of another member whilst they are at attention, promoting another user, or have quickly left their seat to get a hand item is to be avoided. In the event that this occurs, members can request their seat back.

Regulation 2 - Offenses

The Articles below list all offenses that could be subject to disciplinary action:

  1. Violation of The Habbo Way: The Habbo way covers many regulations that Habbo expects from its users including scamming, scripting, being under the age of 13, etc.
  2. Trolling: Trolling behavior can be defined as not following orders given by higher-ranked personnel, dancing outside of permitted areas, spamming, flooding, intentionally breaking regulations, etc.
  3. Harassment: Any repeated or continuing uninvited contact that serves no useful purpose beyond creating alarm, annoyance, or emotional distress. Behaviors that demean, humiliate or embarrass a person, and are characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness.
  4. Double Jobbing: Double jobbing can be defined as being employed at two or more organizations or having two or more accounts employed at MoM at one time, either on Habbo, its other hotels or any kind of retros. Roleplay groups, groups that are non-paying and are not considered working agencies, do not apply to this rule.
  5. Hate Speech: Any derogatory or offensive language directed towards an individual based on any of the characteristics stated below.
    Discrimination against any member, including but not limited to: 
    • Racism, language, ethnic, and cultural discrimination
    • Homophobia, transphobia, and gender identity discrimination
    • Sexism
    • Religious discrimination
  6. Insubordination: The refusal to obey someone who is in a higher position or who has the authority. Insubordination can also occur when a member mocks, insults, disrespects, or shows similar inappropriate behavior towards a higher-ranked member. This Clause can only be overruled in circumstances where insubordination occurs as a result of abuse of power employed by the higher ranking individual. In these circumstances, proper reporting procedures must be followed by notifying the Magical Law Enforcement department, or utilizing their reporting resources.
  7. Disrespect: Acting without respect toward a member, regulation, custom, or authority.
  8. Defamation: Defamation, calumny, vilification, libel, slander or traducement. Oral or written communication of a false or damaging statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation and usually constitutes a tort or crime.  
  9. Treason: Acts that cause detriment to The Ministry or to its operations. This can be exemplified but not limited to: trashing rooms, trashing documents, engagement with mafia organizations, raiding, poaching, stealing.
  10. Sexual Violence: Sexual violence is any sexual action or attempt to obtain a sexual act by violence or coercion, acts to traffic a person or directed against a person’s sexuality.
  11. Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including any unwelcome, unconsent or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from verbal transgressions, torment, pressure to sexual abuse or assault. Consent can be withdrawn at any point.
  12. Illegal WarfareIllegal warfare can be described as but not limited to: virtual attack to any person or organization, gaining personal information about any member, DOX, DDoS, DoS, Phishing.
  13. Conduction of base operations while under the influence: Base operations may not be conducted while under any kind of influence. Influences such as alcohol, drugs, etc may impair one’s behavior and judgment. Base operations can be defined as: filling stations, hosting trainings, promoting, department duties and more. It is also recommended that members under influence refrain from The Ministry’s operations.
  14. Blackmail, bribery, and extortion: Both blackmail and extortion usually involve the same circumstances of acquiring money from the victim through threats or intimidation. Bribery usually is the opposite in which the other party may receive money from the bribing party.
  15. Cruelty: Cruelty is finding pleasure in inflicting harm or inaction towards another’s suffering when a clear remedy is readily available. Sadism can also be related to this form of action or concept. Cruel ways of inflicting suffering may involve violence, but affirmative violence is not necessary for an act to be cruel.
  16. Discrimination: Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong.
  17. Abuse of power or authority: The misuse of a position of power to take unjust advantage of individuals by utilizing given authority to use powers/privileges not granted to them. Examples of this include: 

    – Bullying or harassing behaviour 
    – Requesting members to complete personal errands or favours
    – Pressuring members to distort facts or break rules
    -Interfering with the ability of a member to work effectively (i.e by impending access to information or resources)
    -Use of power granted for personal gain or benefit
  18. Abuse of privileges: The wrongful or unlawful misuse of power in one’s duties, either at the expense of others or to the advantage of the abuser.
  19. Disclosure of confidential information: A person who has received information in confidence should not use or disclose that information without permission. The unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information may result in disciplinary action for breach of confidence.

  20. Obstruction of justice: This is outlined as acts that are corrupt, and threaten or oppose by any means of communication which influence, obstruct, or impede, including any endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.

  21. Dishonesty and malicious intents: Dishonesty is to act without honesty. It is used to describe a lack of probity, cheating, lying, or deliberately withholding information, or being deliberately deceptive or displaying a lack in integrity, knavishness, perfidiousness, corruption or treacherousness. Malicious intent means the person acted willfully or intentionally to cause harm, without legal justification.

  22. Bullying: Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. 

  23. Cheating: Cheating generally describes various actions designed to subvert rules in order to obtain unfair advantages. This includes acts of bribery, cronyism and nepotism in any situation where individuals are given preference using inappropriate criteria.

  24.  Absence: Absence following Regulation 4. This will result in a division demotion upon reinstatement.

  1. The director and overseer’s of Magical Law Enforcement command can issue punishments according to cases.
  2. The Foundation may issue punishments at their discretion.
  3. Members ranked Undersecretaries can discharge members for Article 1, 2 and 6. However, they must submit evidence to the MLE department for record holding using the proper form.
  4. The strike system is as follows: Strike 1: Warning, Strike 2: Division demotion, Strike 3: Discharge.
  5. Strikes 2 and 3 do not require a previous strike to be issued. The strike level will depend on the offense.
  6. Any violation of a regulation on this Code of Conduct or any Discord Rules may be grounds for punishment.
  7. Disciplinary action may also include: removal of VIP/SV badges, removal from Trial iC, any additions stated in the punishments list and more.
  1. Do not Transfer (DNT). Members on the DNT list are forbidden to transfer to The Ministry by any means, however they may join as a recruit.
  2. Do not Hire (DNH) or Never Rehire (NR). Members on these lists are forbidden to join The Ministry by any means.
  3. Ban on Sight (BoS). Members or organizations on the Ban on Sight list are not allowed on any of The Ministry’s platforms and are to be banned on The Ministry’s premises.
  4. All members of mafia organizations, Illegal Warfare Operatives and Mafia groups are automatically on BoS.
  5. BoS list is available [here]
  6. National Punishment (NP) is the highest punishment list in The Ministry Of Magic. These are the enemies of our organization and are not to be contacted by any means or by any member.
  7. NP list is available [here].
  8. The Ministry of Magic Foundation reserves the right to add, remove or edit the status of a member on, out or between the lists without prior notice or consent from the other party.
  9. The Foundation is the only authority with power to add any user to these lists.

Regulation 3 - Promotion Policy

  1. Only members ranked 3rd Year Student and above can promote.
  2. Promotion jurisdiction is one division below the member’s current division. Members may not promote someone within their own division. Members ranked Dis/Honourable Wizard/Witches and above can only promote up to the last rank in Head Professor/Voldemorts Army.
  3. The Foundation is the authority in charge of promoting members ranked 5iC and above. Foundation Reps may carry out iC promotions only by the order of the Foundation.
  4. Any Founder may overrule any Promotion policy at their discretion.
  5. The minimum time while in base needed for a person to conduct a promotion is 10 minutes. The promoter must be on the working floor. Being in the afk chairs (FTB) does not count towards those 10 minutes.
  6. The minimum time while filling a station needed for a person to be promoted is 10 minutes.
  7. Hovering is forbidden. Hovering is standing in tiles near the member you want to promote 2 minutes earlier than the promotion time. If you are planning to promote, follow the exact time and fall in instead of gliding around the member.
  8. If someone notices any violation in the rules above, they are required to inform the promoter. If the promoter does not cancel the promotion, they are to submit a complaint form.
  9. The only exception to the rule above is if someone disconnects. They must post evidence on #dc-proof channel on Discord.
  10. The maximum amount of promotions in a row to the same person is 2, unless there is nobody else.
  11. When promoting someone to 1st Year, 2nd Year. 3rd Year or promoting because of a transfer the promoter must train the person according to The Ministry’s training program.
  12. No promotion may be given 15 minutes before pay starts.
  1. The promoter must call “Attention” or “ATT”. The person being promoted must stand in front of them and wave. After that, the person being promoted should remain silent until they are dismissed.
  2. Promotions must be carried out loud. Members not involved should remain silent and not disturb the promotion.
  3. Promoters must give a valid reason for promoting.
  4. Promoters are responsible for properly logging any promotion or training.
  5. Promoters are responsible for giving the correct motto.
  6. After the promotion ends, the promoter must call “At Ease” or “AE”. When this command is called, the person being promoted should return to their seat, thereby ending the procedure.
  7. Members are not allowed to randomly or inappropriately call Attention.

Regulation 4 - Retirement, Leave Of Absence, and Resignation policy

  1. A member is eligible for retirement once they reach 3 months of continuous service at The Ministry (LOA days are not included) and must be in the 5iC rank or above for a minimum of 2 months (LOAs are not included in final count). They also must have carried out their responsibilities such as collecting elective points and submitting monthly reports within the same 3 months. 
  2. Any member that wishes to retire must reach out to a member of the Order of the Phoenix.
  3. Members must inform their respective office director and/or overseer and the Foundation before applying for retirement.
  4. Upon receiving approval for retirement, members will obtain the retired badge which allows them to have free access into The Ministry. 
  5. While in any of The Ministry’s official communication platforms or base, retired members must abide by all rules and guidelines and wear the retired badge at all times. 
  6. Any retired member found breaking any rules or guidelines may be subject to removal of their retirement status. 
  7. If a retired member wishes to return to The Ministry, they will be subject to The Ministry’s Foundation analysis for reinstatement.
  8. If a retired member is discovered to have joined another agency, they will lose their retired badge and status within the Ministry.
  1. Any member of The Ministry may not exceed 20 days of account inactivity. This is lowered to 15 days for members ranked Magical Creatures/ Dark Ehchanters and above and 7 days for members ranked honorable Wizard/Witch  (5iC) and above.
  2. Founder/Minister offline time on Habbo must not exceed 72 Hours. However, if the Founder/Minister has been active on discord within this 72 Hours, then their offline time must not exceed 5 Days. “Active on discord” is subject to Ministers’ discretion and will be evaluated each time a Minister/Founder is found exceeding the 72-hour rule.
  3. Members ranked honourable Wizard/Witch (5iC) and above are required to provide Order of the Phoenix with at least 5 days notice before their LOA commences.
  4. Being absent without a leave on the terms of Article 1 are grounds for discharge.
  5. A total of 20 days of leave may be given to all members. A total of 35 days of leave may be given only to members who have been in The Ministry for at least one month. Members can only take an LOA for 3 months per year, with at least 1 month in between.
    Members of the Foundation are exempt from this policy.
  6. Members found regularly active in base and on Discord during their leave may have their LOA revoked. 
  7. Members are required to request an LOA if they are to be inactive for more than 20 days, 15 days for members ranked Magical Creatures/Dark Enchanters and above, and 7 days for members ranked Honourables (5iC) and above.
  8. If your leave of absence duration is 7 days or less, you will not be able to return anytime before the 7 days is up.
    If your leave of absence duration is longer than 7 days, you’ll be able to return within 4 days of your start date if needed.
  9. To request a leave, you must go onto The Ministry’s Portal, locate the Leave of Absence page and apply for leave. 
  10. A leave can only be requested if 14 days have passed since the previous LOA ended. This article can be overruled by the Foundation at their discretion. 
  11. Members are required to inform their department command team if they are going on leave.
  12. Before applying, members are required to request the LOA badge owned by MoM-RC on Habbo.
  13. Once the LOA is approved, members are required to add “LOA” onto their motto.
  14. Members on LOA are required to request the LOA role on Discord.
  15. Every Ministry member is entitled to a 48-hour grace period to return after their LOA end date.
  16. If you fail to return after you LOA has ended, you will face consequences.
  17. Under some circumstances, exceptions regarding leave of absence can be made by Order of the Phoenix and Foundation.
The resignation policy applies to ministry members ranked Magical Creatures/Dark Enchanters and above who would like to terminate their employment at The Ministry without retirement, are transferring to another agency, or leaving MoM for any reason. All members ranked Magical Creatures/Dark Enchanters and above, who wish to resign are required to fill out the [Resignation Form].
  1. Members are required to inform their Department Commands of their resignation so that vacancies can be filled prior to resigning.
  2. Members must inform a member of the Internal Affairs/ OOTP and notify them of their resignation. Members must leave all of their MoM main, rank, and department badges.
  3. Members occupying iC positions or command positions in an office that fail to abide by the resignation policy will have a division demotion upon reinstatement if ever and a strike 1 logged.
  4. Members ranked Undersecretaries and Chancellors (1iC & 2iC) are required to inform the Foundation of their resignation 7 days prior. If not followed, this may result in a strike 2 logged and a division demotion upon reinstatement.
  5. Members ranked below Magical Creatures/Dark Enchanters are not required to fill the resignation form however they are encouraged to do so.

Foundation Advisor is an esteemed position within the Ministry of Magic that recognizes the expertise and contributions of retired  Foundation and Minister individuals. This role is given to these honorable individuals who wish to maintain minimal activity within the ministry while providing substantial advisory to the current Foundation of MoM.


  • Must have held a Foundation or Minister Rank for a consecutive period of at least one month
  • Must have made substantial and relevant contributions during their active service as Founders (Ravenclaw Founder, Gryffindor Founder, Hufflepuff Founder, Slytherin Founder) and Ministers (Minister for Magic, Enchantress of the Ministry, Sorceress of the Ministry, Archmage of the Ministry)
  • Applicants must not have a pending Leave of Absence (LOA) when submitting their application and should have resumed regular activity within 7 days following the conclusion of their last LOA.

Conditions are as follow:

  1. Foundation Advisor is not an official rank of the Ministry therefore they do not have any authority or decision-making power in the daily operations of the ministry.
  2. The Foundation Advisor role only allows retired Ex-Foundation and Ex-Ministers to contribute as advisors where:
    • Foundation Advisors are allowed to offer guidance and expertise in their respective fields to help the current Foundation and Ministers make informed decisions.
    • Foundation Advisors may provide mentorship to newly elected Founders, offering support, advice, and encouragement as they transition to their progress as Foundation.
    • Foundation Advisors may assist in building and expanding networks, connecting the Ministry with valuable Agencies outside of the Ministry.
      Despite not being an official rank, Foundation Advisors are still required to uphold the rules and standards of MoM
  3. Upon retirement, they will be designated as “Retired” for rank purposes.
    All admin rights, room rights and obtained rank badges will be revoked. Additionally, the advisor will also be disassociated from any departmental position.
  4. Any current Foundation or Minister who wish to step down as Foundation Advisor must directly contact the current Ministers regarding their retirement decision
  5. If a Foundation Advisor chooses to return to an active role, they will receive a one-division demotion to the 1iC position.
  6. In the event that a Founder Advisor wishes to reinstate to their previous Foundation role they must inform all current Ministers and a comprehensive discussion regarding the member’s decision will be initiated.
Hiatus is the act of relinquishing one’s rank and duties for a rather long period. This is often considered the last resort when a High Wizard or Witch needs to take a break from Habbo with the intention of returning within the same year. 
  1. Must be 5iC+ to request hiatus.
  2. Must have been working at the Ministry for at least 2 months (time on LOA not included).
  3. Must have no active warning or strike or have received one in the last 2 months.
  4. Must have completed your monthly EP quota and submitted your elective tasks for at least three months. Note: Exemptions may be made for this requirement on a case-by-case basis. Please discuss with OOTP.
  5. You may take hiatus for no longer than 180 days.
  6. You must inform the iCs of all departments you are in before you go on hiatus.
  7. As long as you return from hiatus on time, you will not receive a demotion. However, should you be a member of OOTP or a Foundation Representative, you are not guaranteed your position back in either of these special units – you are simply guaranteed a 1iC rank.
  8. After your hiatus begins, your badges, roles, and drive access will be suspended.
  9. Once you have returned, you cannot take LOA for 2 months.

Note: Hiatus requests are discussed between Foundation and the Hiatus Overseer, who is currently the Arch Order. If you apply for hiatus as the Arch Order, the decision will be made by Foundation.

Regulation 5 - Remuneration Rules

For Remuneration Rules and Regulations, please refer to the page linked here.

Regulation 6 - Rights, Admins and Rank Sale Policy

The following members have Room Rights (RR) privilege:

  • Kingdevil0987
  • Ashleyyyyyyyy
  • Kittensaregods
  • Urabrask
  • ioniq
  • albn
  • reinamayu
  • jubxz
  • shaneeeee
  • -Todd
  • fiyahh_
  • .Stress.
  • on1tonight
  • Chocomallow-
  • Nerohae
  • Celiora
  • Anti-thesis
  1. The above users are expected to use moderation tools responsibly to contain any troll or disrupting situations. Although the use of moderation tools is down to the individual’s discretion, here are some general guidelines on how these tools should be used:
    2.1 RR users must specify in their respective channel the reason for muting or kicking anyone from the room included with the format (Habbo username > Reason > Kick/ban/mute).
    2.2 Valid Reasons for these moderation actions include: Trolling activities Disrespectful activity towards others Violating established BOS/NP protocols Demonstrating non-compliance with the CoC.
    2.3 Room moderation actions must be logged within the designated moderation log in the Discord channel. This includes actions that involve warnings, mutes, kicks and bans. This log must follow the given format and include efficient evidence and information.
    2.4 Room moderation actions should follow similar formats to disciplinary actions. Users are expected to give verbal warnings and declare their intent to mute, kick or ban before proceeding with the action. This clause should only be overruled if clear disruption is being caused within base and no other efforts to deescalate the situation have been effective.
    2.5 Although the usage of moderation tools is subject to the discretion of the room rights holder, actions taken should be rational to the severity of the offense.
    2.6 Room Rights holders are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17.
    2.7 Abuse of this privilege can be defined as, but is not limited to, the following examples: Usage of Room Rights to disrupt normal base operations (events, pay, promotions etc.) Excessively moving or rotating furniture Trashing the base by moving or ejecting furni deliberately Purposely breaking the wired systems Adding non-permanent furni to base without ejecting after use Kicking banning, or muting without a justifiable reason.
    2.8 If furni is accidentally removed from the base, this should only be replaced by the ejecting user’s own furni as a temporary fixture. Notify a member of the Foundation team to replace the furni on the MoM-RC account as soon as possible.
    2.9 If furni is accidentally moved in base and cannot be fixed by the user, the team must be notified on the respective Room-Rights Discord channel. Room Rights holders should contact a member of the foundation team for this if furni needs to be fixed which involves stacking.
  2. Room Rights holders are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17. Abuse of this privilege can be defined as but is not limited to: excessively rotating furniture, deliberately moving furniture, kicking, banning, muting without proper reason.
  1. The following members have Badge Administrator (BA) privileges for all badges:
  • Kingdevil0987
  • Ashleyyyyyyyy
  • kittensaregods
  • ioniq
  • albn
  • reinamayu
  •  jubxz
  • shaneeee
  • .Stress.
  • fiyahh_
  • Chocomallow-
  1. The following members have Badge Administrator (BA) privileges for 1st Year through 7th Year Student  badges:
  • Mandragora
  • on1tonight
  1. Badge Admins are responsible for accepting badge requests and removing badges from members where necessary.
  2. Badge Admin holders are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17. Abuse of this privilege can be defined as but is not limited to: accepting unauthorized badges, removing members, removing administrator permissions.
  1. The following members have Discord Moderator (DM) privileges:
  • Kingdevil0987
  • Ashleyyyyyyyy
  • Kittensaregods
  • ioniq
  • shaneeee
  • .Stress.,
  • C-Remus,
  • fiyahh_
  1. Discord Moderators are responsible for assigning correct roles to members, punishing any offenses on Discord and removing inactive members.
  2. All punishments must be sent to the MLE department
  3. Discord Moderators are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17. Abuse of this privilege can be defined as but is not limited to: inappropriately adding unauthorized roles or punishing without a proper reason.
  1. The following members have Portal Administrator (PA) privileges:
  • Kingdevil0987
  • Ashleyyyyyyyy
  • Kittensaregods
  • shaneeeee
  • ioniq
  • albn
  • jubxz
  • reinamayu
  • on1tonight
  • Chocomallow-
  1. Portal Administrators are responsible for accepting members in the correct rank into the portal, assisting with any issues, discharging inactive users, adjusting incorrect logs, and reporting any situations to the MLE department.
  2. Portal Administrators are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17. Abuse of this privilege can be defined as but is not limited to: deliberately adding or removing users, discharging, accepting strikes or changing logs without proper justification or authorization.
  1. The following members have Website Administrator (WA) privileges:
  • kittensaregods
  • Kingdevil0987
  • Ashleyyyyyyyy
  • ioniq
  • shaneeee
  • albn
  • reinamayu
  • jubxz
  • .Stress.
  1. Website Administrators are responsible for keeping the website updated and creating new pages as requested.
  2. Website Administrators are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17. Abuse of this privilege can be defined as but is not limited to: editing, removing or adding to the website without reason or authorization.
  1. The following members have Rank Sellers (RS) privileges:
  • Kingdevil0987
  • Ashleyyyyyyyy
  • Kittensaregods
  • shaneeeee
  • ioniq
  • albn
  • jubxz
  • reinamayu
  1. Rank Sellers are responsible for attending to requests to purchase ranks, memberships, VIP or SV and other perks according to Regulation 7.
  2. Rank Sellers are not to abuse their privilege. Infringing on this rule is characterized as Abuse of Power, under Regulation 2, Chapter 1, Article 17. Abuse of this privilege can be defined as but is not limited to: processing a purchase without payment, accepting or creating perks for people that have not purchased them, not returning credits to the room control account and more. 

Regulation 7 - Purchasable items and SV/VIP policies

  1. Perks can only be purchased from authorized Rank Sellers. These members can be found in Regulation 6 and will also hold administrator status in purchasable badges.
  2. Anyone receiving special entry perks must wear the purchased badge at all times.
  3. Fired members or any user on the Do Not Hire list may not purchase any perks unless authorized by the Foundation.
  4. Individuals or groups on the Ban on Sight and National Punishment lists may not purchase any perk, rank or SV/VIP.
  5. No refunds will be made. It is the responsibility of the customer to check if the person they are paying is an authorized Rank Seller.
  6. Individuals who donate coins to The Ministry will receive perks according to the tier they are in. For more information on donor tiers, look ahead to Chapter two, Articles two and three.
  7. All sales purchased through Rank Sellers are final. Refunds are not permitted.
  1. Base Perks
    1. The Special Visitor badge allows entry inside the base. This does not allow entry in MoM’s Discord Server nor colored chat in-base. 
    2. The VIP badge allows entry inside the base and the VIP area as well as usage of color chat in-base and The Ministry’s official Discord server.
    3. All sales are final.
  2. Discord Perks
    1. The Discord Access perk allows access to the Discord server for those who did not purchase a package with Discord access.
    2. Regular and animated emojis may be purchased. A free emoji is granted for those who boost The Ministry’s official server twice.
    3. Roles may be purchased for The Ministry’s official server. Two different types of roles may be purchased: reaction roles and private roles. Only owners of private roles may request the addition of a member to the role. Reaction roles will be public and everyone who wishes to join will simply react to the specified message in the server.
    4. Private channels may only be purchased on behalf of an existing private role or in a package with a private channel and role. 
    5. Private voice channels may only be purchased on behalf of an existing private role or in a package with a private voice channel and role. 
    6. Code of Conduct and Discord regulations apply to all of these channels.
    7. All sales are final.
  3. Memberships
    1. Perks granted on behalf of memberships are conditional based on their status. If a membership expires all corresponding benefits will be revoked/deleted. Memberships renew every month. 
    2. Platinum Membership: Grants VIP perks, as stated in Regulation 7, Chapter 2 as well as an Emoji on The MoM’s Discord server, one rank promotion upon the first time purchase only, meaning recurring memberships will not be able to get another free promotion (not applicable to members ranked above 7th Grade Year). Platinum membership will also allow Discord access, a unique role, a private Platinum Member channel, random pay lines, and special giveaways (as long as there are two minimum platinum membership holders). In addition, Platinum Membership grants one Goblin’s Mercy Token per month, decreasing a Goblin’s Cut from 7 days to 3 days and 10% off two items in our Portal Shop (Excluding ranks).
      3. All sales are final.